Success on EU Settled Status Council Help

Today Lambeth Council has revealed that it has made financial provision for supporting EU nationals navigate the new Settled Status migration status created to replace Freedom of Movement rights. We welcome this move. The Lambeth Liberal Democrats have been lobbying the Council for sometime now to roll out provisions like other London or UK boroughs have done and whilst we would have preferred this to be in place in 2020, before the first cut-off deadline, now’s good as well.
We also suggested to the Council that further effort be made to inform EU and other residents about the requirement to obtain settled or pre settled status. We recommended that the Council send a further mail-out to all Lambeth households with this information and links to where to get further advice or support. It is disappointing that the Council has not decided to take up this suggestion as well. This is disapointing and we will lobby the Council to change its mind on this.
We look forward to seeing the money being provided urgently to the CAB, Southwark Law Centre and Indoamerican Migrant Refugee Organisation and that this money be spent urgently on providing enhanced advice services. We intend to check with the Council and these organisations to see how this money has been allocated and how effectively it has been used to support our EU residents needing help. We are particularly interested in finding out which organisations applied for support and if any were refused.
Check out our Settled Status Campaign if you wish to know more.