Review of Lambeth wards in progress

The Local Government Boundary Commission for England is currently reviewing the ward boundaries for Lambeth.
According to the LGBCE’s website, the review will “mean each councillor will represent approximately the same number of voters… [and] ensure that the pattern of wards reflect the interests and identities of local communities as well as promoting effective local government.” Lambeth currently has 21 wards with three councillors in each.
Lambeth Liberal Democrats have submitted our own comprehensive proposals to LGBCE.
We believe that these offer a better arrangement of natural community interests across the borough, whilst a greater number of two councillor wards may encourage greater accountability of incumbent parties.
It is important to remember that whilst the review will achieve a degree of levelling up, our representation at local government level will remain undemocratic without proper electoral reform.
In 2018, under the discredited first-past-the-post (FPTP) system used, Labour won 91% of seats with 51% of the vote; 12% voted for the Lib Dems yet there are no Lib Dem councillors, whilst the Greens and Conservatives are also under-represented. This situation is bad for democracy in Lambeth and leads to bad decisions with poor outcomes for residents.
Proportional representation is urgently needed at a local level in England.
The LGBCE are due to publish their proposed new boundary arrangements early in the new year. You can follow the review, comment on proposals when published, and look at submissions on the LGBCE website, or you can download our submission directly (please note file size: 30 MB - will download as zip file). The new wards will be used in the 2022 local elections in Lambeth.