Lib Dems calls for three-point plan to fix Active Lambeth "shambles"

Lambeth Council faces calls today for a ‘three-point plan’ to deal with what Lib Dem councillors are calling a ‘shambolic’ launch of Active Lambeth.
The Labour-run authority has spent a year preparing to bring the Better contract with Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) in-house. The change means Lambeth will be directly responsible for running eight leisure centres across the Borough, managing cleaning, setting tariffs, and operating their own booking regime.
Brixton Buzz reported last week on ‘random price changes’ at Lambeth facilities, while ‘senior membership’ appeared to have been restricted to those over 66, having previously been available to everyone over 60.
Correspondence with Lib Dem councillors shows one instance of badminton tariffs for over 60s who were formerly ‘senior’ members, with GLL rising from £6.20 per hour to £14.09.
In a letter to the Leader of the Council today (Monday), Councillor Donna Harris, Leader of the Lib Dems at Lambeth Town Hall, said:
“As you are no doubt acutely aware from the disquiet on social media and summary last week on Brixton Buzz, the launch of Active Lambeth has vindicated the worst fears of those who see the Council as a byword for shambles.”
The opposition group is calling on Lambeth to:
1. Publish a full, transparent comparison table of all tariff changes since the transition from GLL to Active Lambeth
2. Reinstate membership benefits previously offered to GLL members, and in particular, reversing vast hikes in charges to senior members.
3. Negotiate reciprocal benefits with neighbouring boroughs so that residents who live in Lambeth but work elsewhere can continue to use centres outside the area, as they were able to under the GLL contract.
Commenting, Cllr Harris said:
“We have been receiving a steady stream of correspondence about this absolute shambles of a launch.
“The three points we have set out are the bare minimum residents should expect from the Council now if they are to have any hope of rebuilding trust with users.
“It is just unacceptable for prices to be hiked and membership benefits wiped away without explanation in this way. Only by showing us a full comparison of the previous GLL tariffs and the new Active Lambeth tariffs can the Council begin to unscramble this mess”.
Lambeth Lib Dems are submitting a number of councillors’ “members’ inquiries” to take up individual issues raised by residents.