Lib Dems condemn Lambeth’s mistreatment of disabled child following scathing Ombudsman report

Labour-run Lambeth Council are facing calls for a full independent inquiry into their negligence in rehousing a family with a disabled child suffering from chronic pain for three years following a report from the Local Government Ombudsman.
The child, who is known as Child Y, has substantial medical requirements and relies on a wheelchair, was compelled to live in a council property that was unsuitable for them.
An occupational therapist had warned in April 2019 that specialist equipment required to provide adequate care for the child could not be installed.
Despite repeated warnings from Child Y’s family, school, social workers, occupational therapists and medical team about the property’s unsuitability, the Council did not rehouse the family until October 2022, 21 months later.
By then, a planned essential operation was no longer appropriate for the child’s needs. Subsequently, they have been left suffering.
In response to the Council’s unjustifiable delay, Child Y’s family received £20,000 in compensation. Nevertheless, the Liberal Democrats believe that the Council’s actions were simply unacceptable and demand an immediate investigation into the issue.
Councillor Donna Harris, Leader of the Lambeth Liberal Democrat Council Group, commented:
“It is deeply concerning that Lambeth Council failed to take action despite being made aware of the unsuitability of the property for Child Y.
“Neglect on this scale is completely incomprehensible and totally unacceptable.
“Questions need to be answered and insurances must be made that nothing like this ever happens again!
“However, this does not in anyway help or alleviate the suffering of this poor young person and their family, and £20,000 falls way short of rectifying the horrors of the situation.”
Cllr Donna Harris, Leader of the Lib Dem Council Group, also added:
“Lambeth Labour’s Borough Plan 2030 states; they will make Lambeth the best place for children and young people to develop and that everyone can access the many opportunities that exist in Lambeth.
“Including basic fundamental rights – good quality education, employment, housing, and access to healthcare. Whilst also addressing the needs of all children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
“Lambeth Council have failed dismally to deliver on their objectives whilst causing pain, neglect and most definitely not affording the family any dignity and respect.”