Labour playing politics with new Boundary proposals

For two decades Lambeth has had 3 member wards, which have increasingly become less reflective of both the borough and the communities they should serve. The LGBCE Review, underway since 2020 is designed to fix that. We proposed last year that the new ward boundaries reflect Lambeth's communities better, by creating more, smaller wards, in much of the borough. The Commission accepted our proposals in large part.
This is an exciting opportunity for Lambeth to finally have wards based around real communities. We are dissappointed Labour and the Council do not agree with the Commission, however we feel that with a few tweaks, the Commission's submissions will be a great step forward for representation. We have been speaking to residents around the borough about the current proposal and feel there are some changes that could be made that would help.
Keeping real communities together is what is important (not big, artificial 1990s wards).
Time is running out for you to get involved, so if you feel strongly, please contact the Commission! Check your email for our recommendations!